COVID-19 Restrictions: 50-State Legal Resources
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, states took a variety of actions to protect the health and well-being of their citizens. Some of the most significant measures took the form of orders restricting the operations of businesses while advising or requiring people to remain at home as much as possible. However, most states have now ended virtually all of their restrictions or at least developed a timeline for ending them.
The federal government never issued a formal stay at home order, but the administration of President Joseph Biden issued an executive order that required certain safety precautions for people on federal lands. These include social distancing, the use of masks, and adherence to CDC guidelines.
Click on a state below for information on its progress toward lifting restrictions and reopening the economy. Alternatively, you can explore our surveys on the more specific issues of mask mandates and travel restrictions across all 50 states.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency and related health orders have expired.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Alabama. People should practice good hygiene, maintain physical distancing from non-household members, use masks in public, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and consider getting vaccinated.
- Reopening Status: Alaska has lifted its COVID-19 health orders, replacing them with health advisories.
- Rules: Recommended precautions include practicing good hygiene, maintaining social distancing, wearing masks in public, and staying home and getting tested when sick. Specific advisories apply to travel and critical infrastructure businesses.
- Reopening Status: COVID-19 executive orders have been rescinded or transitioned to recommendations.
- Rules: People are generally advised to practice physical distancing, wear masks in public, practice careful hygiene, and stay home when sick. People at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 should avoid congregate settings.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency has ended.
- Rules: People are advised to get vaccinated, as well as practicing good hygiene and physical distancing, wearing a mask in indoor public settings in areas of substantial or high transmission, and getting tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms or think that they may have been exposed.
- Reopening Status: Almost all COVID-19 restrictions applicable to the general public have ended. Limited restrictions remain in certain settings.
- Rules: Indoor mega events (over 1,000 people) must impose a vaccination or testing requirement, while outdoor mega events (over 10,000 people) are advised to impose this requirement. Mask rules remain in effect, as does guidance for settings involving children and youth. Any other public health guidance will not be mandatory.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 health emergency has ended. The latest public health order contains a mask requirement, recommendations for employers, and certain rules and recommendations for large indoor events.
- Rules: Employers are encouraged to provide reasonable accommodations for employees who cannot get the COVID-19 vaccine. Individual counties may need to implement additional restrictions if hospitalizations threaten to exceed 85 percent of system capacity. Unseated, private indoor events of greater than 500 individuals are encouraged to implement a mandatory vaccination policy, or at least a testing requirement. A vaccination requirement is also encouraged for indoor public events.
- Reopening Status: All COVID-19 restrictions have ended, except for certain mask rules.
- Rules: Unvaccinated people must wear masks in indoor public spaces. Everyone must wear masks in settings such as health care facilities, public and commercial transportation, schools, child care facilities, prisons, and facilities housing vulnerable populations. Cities and towns may require everyone to wear masks in indoor public places, regardless of vaccination status.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency has ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Delaware. The state has implemented CDC guidance and provided certain holiday recommendations, such as getting vaccinated and tested, wearing masks, staying home if you have COVID-19 symptoms or a close contact with COVID-19, gathering in smaller groups, and gathering outdoors when possible.
District of Columbia
- Reopening Status: Virtually all remaining restrictions have been lifted, except for a mask mandate. A vaccination entry requirement (one dose) will go into effect on January 15, 2022 and will be upgraded to two doses on February 15.
- Rules: People should get vaccinated, practice social distancing, wear masks, observe proper hygiene, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and stay home if they feel sick. The vaccination entry requirement will apply to indoor venues such as restaurants, nightclubs, movie theaters, gyms, fitness centers, recreation centers, conferences, and entertainment and sporting venues.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency has ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Florida. Precautions recommended by the Florida Department of Health include getting vaccinated, practicing careful hygiene, and improving ventilation.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 public health emergency has ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Georgia. The state provides specific sets of guidance for businesses, education, health care, and long-term care facilities. The state also provides quarantine guidance for people who have been exposed to COVID-19 and isolation guidance for people who are sick.
- Reopening Status: Most statewide rules other than travel restrictions and a mask requirement have been lifted.
- Rules: Hotel operators must adopt a COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan for each of their properties. People are generally advised to get the COVID-19 vaccine (or booster), wear a mask (required indoors), maintain physical distancing, and get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms. Home isolation and quarantine guidance is provided, as well as guidance for workplaces and safe gatherings. Each county is responsible for performing emergency management functions that affect its residents, including implementing rules.
- Reopening Status: Idaho reached the final stage of its four-stage reopening plan in May 2021.
- Rules: Individuals, businesses, and government entities should adhere to the physical distancing and sanitation requirements provided in the Stage 4 Stay Healthy Guidelines. There are no recommended limits for gathering sizes, although public and private gatherings should adhere to physical distancing and sanitation requirements. Businesses and government agencies can continue operations at physical locations, while following operational plans to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19. All eligible Idaho residents are encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
- Reopening Status: Every region in Illinois is in Phase 5, which is the final phase of reopening.
- Rules: All businesses can conduct normal operations, with new health and hygiene practices permanently in place. Large gatherings and events of all sizes can resume. Certain precautions are advised for unvaccinated people, such as social distancing, limiting in-person contact with others, and conducting activities outdoors. Businesses are urged to provide accommodations for vulnerable people and facilitate social distancing, especially for unvaccinated employees and visitors.
- Reopening Status: The public health emergency remains in effect, but almost all COVID-19 directives have been lifted.
- Rules: Each person should take responsibility for their safety and the safety of those around them by taking preventative measures, such as getting vaccinated, getting tested and isolating if they have COVID-19 symptoms, and taking certain precautions if they have had a close contact with someone with COVID-19. Local ordinances, directives, and orders may be more restrictive.
- Reopening Status: Governor Kim Reynolds has continued to extend a public health state of emergency, but virtually all restrictions have been lifted.
- Rules: Guidelines are available for businesses, schools, health care, and long-term care facilities. People who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 10 days.
- Reopening Status: Kansas has ended its statewide reopening plan, but individual counties are allowed to impose their own restrictions.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Kansas. People are advised to practice careful hygiene, observe social distancing (especially high-risk individuals), wear masks in public, get tested regularly, and stay home and isolate if they are sick.
- Reopening Status: All public health executive orders and the Healthy At Work requirements have been rescinded.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Kentucky. Certain precautions are encouraged in areas with high COVID-19 case rates (red counties), such as masking in public indoor and crowded outdoor settings, physical distancing, holding gatherings outdoors, limiting in-person community gatherings, postponing large events, and encouraging vulnerable people to avoid large crowds. Minimum guidance is provided for workplaces, and supplemental guidance is provided for health care and schools.
- Reopening Status: Virtually all statewide restrictions affecting the general population have expired, although the public health emergency remains in effect.
- Rules: People at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 should stay at home except for essential activities. People are advised to wear masks in indoor public spaces and must wear masks where required by the CDC. In general, people are advised to practice social distancing and refrain from gathering in large groups.
- Reopening Status: The public health emergency and almost all COVID-19 orders have expired.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Maine. The state recommends certain mitigation strategies for businesses and endorses CDC guidance.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency and related orders have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Maryland.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency and related orders have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Massachusetts beyond a limited mask mandate for certain high-risk settings and an advisory for people to wear masks outside their homes.
- Reopening Status: Virtually all COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Michigan, except for an advisory to wear masks in indoor public settings. People are generally advised to get vaccinated, use careful hygiene, and get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms and are not vaccinated. Specific guidance is provided for workplace safety, schools, and athletes.
- Reopening Status: Minnesota has ended nearly all COVID-19 restrictions.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Health recommends observing careful hygiene, working from home if possible, staying home if you are sick, following applicable quarantine guidance after exposure to COVID-19, and following state mask recommendations. Guidance for holiday gatherings includes getting vaccinated (or getting a booster), getting tested, wearing masks in areas with substantial or high COVID-19 transmission, avoiding crowded settings, and gathering outdoors or in areas with good ventilation.
- Reopening Status: Statewide mandates have been repealed, although counties and cities may continue to issue their own rules.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Mississippi. People are advised to get vaccinated and wear masks in indoor public settings, and they should avoid indoor mass gatherings if they are 65 or older or have a chronic medical condition. General guidelines are provided for restaurants and other workplaces, as well as child care facilities, educational settings, and long-term care facilities.
- Reopening Status: Missouri is free of state restrictions, although counties can continue issuing their own restrictions.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Missouri. People are advised to wear masks, observe social distancing, get vaccinated, avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces, observe careful hygiene, and monitor their health daily.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency and related orders have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Montana.
- Reopening Status: Nebraska’s state of emergency has ended
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Nebraska. People generally should avoid crowded places, close contact, and confined spaces. Specific guidance may apply to areas such as schools, assisted living, and children and family services.
- Reopening Status: Statewide restrictions have been lifted, except for a mask mandate that applies to indoor public spaces in areas with substantial or high transmission of COVID-19, and to unvaccinated people in indoor public spaces in other areas.
- Rules: People are generally advised to maintain careful hygiene, wear masks, and stay home if they are sick. Specific guidance applies to education, health care, community care, public health care authorities, and tribes.
New Hampshire
- Reopening Status: The state of emergency has ended, and the Safer at Home Advisory has been replaced by Universal Best Practices.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in New Hampshire. Guidelines have been provided for a range of settings.
New Jersey
- Reopening Status: The public health emergency and almost all related rules have ended.
- Rules: Businesses should encourage people to wear masks indoors, and masks are required indoors at schools. Social distancing, masking, and other safety measures are required in high-risk areas, such as health care facilities, public transportation, child care facilities, prisons, and homeless shelters. Industry-specific health and safety recommendations have been issued for certain types of businesses. Vaccination or testing requirements apply to employees in certain sectors.
New Mexico
- Reopening Status: The public health emergency remains in effect, but strict restrictions on business capacity and gatherings have ended.
- Rules: Businesses, establishments, and non-profit entities must adhere to the relevant COVID Safe Practices. A mask requirement applies to indoor public settings, and there are specific rules for schools and long-term care facilities.
New York
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 emergency has ended, although a mask mandate applies to indoor public places where there is no vaccine requirement.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in New York, but businesses may impose their own restrictions. People should get vaccinated (or boosted) and get flu shots, and they should get tested after traveling and before seeing their family. People should observe proper hygiene practices and stay home if they are sick.
North Carolina
- Reopening Status: Virtually all statewide executive orders related to COVID-19 have ended, although some local governments may have imposed restrictions.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in North Carolina. People should get vaccinated, and private sector businesses should verify vaccination status for their workers. Unvaccinated people should wear masks, observe social distancing and proper hygiene practices, and refrain from travel and gatherings involving unvaccinated non-household members. Schools should require universal masking, and everyone in areas with substantial or high levels of transmission should wear masks in indoor public settings. Specific requirements apply to state government employees.
North Dakota
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 emergency and related executive orders have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in North Dakota. Specific guidance is available for schools and child care, as well as resources for health care providers.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency and most related orders have ended.
- Rules: Businesses should require masks for employees and recommend them for customers, in addition to maintaining hygiene and sanitation standards and limiting capacity as needed to meet social distancing guidelines. The state also provides specific operating requirements for schools and certain business sectors.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency has ended.
- Rules: There are no statewide enforced business or event restrictions related to COVID-19. The state provides specific guidance for schools, athletics, offices and other workplaces, gatherings, and health care. There is also guidance for isolation and quarantine.
- Reopening Status: Most statewide COVID-19 health and safety restrictions have ended, other than a mask mandate.
- Rules: Outside the mask requirement, there are no strict restrictions for businesses and gatherings. People are advised to get vaccinated, practice good hygiene, and stay home and get tested if they are sick. Specific requirements and recommendations apply to certain settings, such as education, child care, and health care.
- Reopening Status: All statewide COVID-19 mitigation measures have been lifted. A few counties have imposed local restrictions.
- Rules: Businesses and organizations may continue to implement mask policies. Masks must be worn in certain settings involving children. Everyone is encouraged to follow CDC guidance.
Rhode Island
- Reopening Status: While most strict statewide restrictions have ended, Rhode Island imposed new mitigation measures in December 2021.
- Rules: Retail stores, service businesses, restaurants, bars, catered events, recreation and entertainment establishments, religious organizations, and cultural and historical establishments must require masking in their indoor premises if they have a capacity of 250 or more people. If they have a capacity of fewer than 250 people, they must require masking but may make an exception for people who can provide proof of vaccination. Office-based businesses and other employers with indoor operations must require masking in their indoor premises but may make an exception for people who can provide proof of vaccination. In general, people are advised to get vaccinated, keep gatherings small, gather outdoors or in well-ventilated spaces when possible, wear masks indoors near non-household members, and get tested before and after gatherings.
South Carolina
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency has ended.
- Rules: There are no statewide restrictions on businesses and activities. The state provides guidelines for a broad range of people, settings, and situations, including tips for safe holiday celebrations.
South Dakota
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency has ended. (The state never required businesses to close.)
- Rules: There are no statewide restrictions on businesses and activities.
- Reopening Status: Statewide coronavirus-related restrictions on businesses have ended, as well as the Tennessee Pledge business guidelines.
- Rules: There are no further statewide business restrictions in Tennessee. People are advised to get vaccinated and exercise caution in public activities.
- Reopening Status: All businesses and other establishments in the state can operate at full capacity.
- Rules: In areas with high transmission rates, people are encouraged to follow safe practices, such as wearing masks when they cannot maintain social distancing from non-household members, but mask mandates are not allowed. The Texas Department of State Health Services urges people to get vaccinated, consider wearing a mask, and observe proper hygiene and social distancing. Specific guidelines apply to schools, jails, and long-term care facilities. The Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas has operating recommendations for education, child care, and youth camps.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 public health orders have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions in Utah. Vaccination, careful hygiene, and masking in crowded, indoor spaces without physical distancing are encouraged. People are advised to practice physical distancing and wear masks at indoor social gatherings involving non-household members. The state provides isolation and quarantine guidelines, a manual for businesses, and recommendations for schools.
- Reopening Status: COVID-19 restrictions and the state of emergency have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions related to COVID-19. People are advised to get vaccinated (or boosted), observe proper hygiene, wear masks in indoor public settings, stay home when sick, and get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms. To keep gatherings safe, people should try to stay in small groups, stay outdoors when possible, avoid crowded spaces, wear masks in indoor public settings, and consider getting tested before and afterward. The Vermont Forward website contains operating resources for businesses and other organizations.
- Reopening Status: The COVID-19 state of emergency and mitigation measures have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions related to COVID-19. People are encouraged to wear masks, observe proper hygiene, and get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms. Unvaccinated people should observe physical distancing outside their homes.
- Reopening Status: The state has fully reopened and is operating under the Washington Ready proclamation and the associated plan.
- Rules: The Department of Labor & Industries has issued COVID-19 safety requirements and guidance for employers. The Department of Health has issued operating guidance for businesses and other establishments, as well as guidance for safer gatherings. Vaccine verification is recommended but not required for spectator events. Indoor events with more than 10,000 participants are restricted to 75% capacity unless the event has vaccine verification prior to entry, and all attendees are required to be vaccinated. Attendees who are 12 or older and do not have vaccine verification must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before the event. Special requirements apply to cruises and overnight camps.
West Virginia
- Reopening Status: COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and activities have ended.
- Rules: Businesses and other entities are urged to get their staff vaccinated, hold activities outdoors, consider health screening and remote check-in measures, coordinate with local health departments to manage any capacity limitations advised for social distancing purposes, and provide special accommodations for vulnerable employees, among other measures.
- Reopening Status: There are no statewide enforced business or event restrictions related to COVID-19.
- Rules: People should get vaccinated, wear masks in public spaces, observe social distancing and proper hygiene, stay home when they are sick, avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces, and get tested if they have had known or suspected exposure to the virus. Reopening and safety resources for businesses are available from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
- Reopening Status: Statewide COVID-19 public health orders have ended.
- Rules: There are no further statewide restrictions related to COVID-19. People should get vaccinated, wear masks in indoor public settings, and stay home when sick.