VI. Counterterrorism Activities and Other Authorizations
Counterterrorism Activities and Other Authorizations
In order to carry out its central mission of preventing the commission of terrorist acts against the United States and its people, the FBI must proactively draw on available sources of information to identify terrorist threats and activities. It cannot be content to wait for leads to come in through the actions of others, but rather must be vigilant in detecting terrorist activities to the full extent permitted by law, with an eye towards early intervention and prevention of acts of terrorism before they occur. This Part accordingly identifies a number of authorized activities which further this end, and which can be carried out even in the absence of a checking of leads, preliminary inquiry, or full investigation as described in Parts I-III of these Guidelines. The authorizations include both activities that are specifically focused on terrorism (Subpart A) and activities that are useful for law enforcement purposes in both terrorism and non-terrorism contexts (Subpart B).