After a Field Manager has approved an individual as suitable to be a CI, the individual shall be registered with that JLEA as a CI. In registering a CI, the JLEA shall, at a minimum, document or include the following in the CI's files:
- a photograph of the CI;
- the JLEA's efforts to establish the CI's true identity;
- the results of a criminal history check for the CI;
- the Initial Suitability Report and Recommendation;
- any promises or benefits, and the terms of such promises or benefits, that are given a CI by a JLEA or any other law enforcement agency (if available to the JLEA);
- any promises or benefits, and the terms of such promises or benefits, that are given a CI by any FPO or any state or local prosecuting office (if available to the JLEA); and
- all information that is required to be documented in the CI's files pursuant to these Guidelines (e.g., the provision of the instructions set forth in the next paragraph).
Criminal Law Center Contents
Criminal Law Center
- Aggravating and Mitigating Factors in Criminal Sentencing Law
- Bail, Bonds, and Relevant Legal Concerns
- Restitution for Victims in Criminal Law
- Plea Bargains in Criminal Law Cases
- Receiving Immunity for Testimony in a Criminal Law Case
- Legal Classification of Criminal Offenses
- Common Criminal Defenses
- Criminal Procedure Law
- Types of Criminal Offenses
- Alcohol Crimes Under the Law
- Parole and Probation Law
- Expungement and Sealing of Criminal Records
- Offenses Included in Other Crimes Under the Law
- The Mental State Requirement in Criminal Law Cases
- Derivative Responsibility in Criminal Law Cases
- Working with a Criminal Lawyer
- Criminal Law FAQs
- Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Laws and Forms: 50-State Survey
- Abortion Laws: 50-State Survey
- Gun Laws: 50-State Survey
- Hate Crime Laws: 50-State Survey
- Death Penalty Laws: 50-State Survey
- Recording Phone Calls and Conversations Under the Law: 50-State Survey
- Criminal Law Topics
- Find a Criminal Law Lawyer