Adoption Legal Glossary
- Abandonment
- Abuse and Neglect
- Access Veto Systems
- Active Registries
- Adjudicatory Hearings
- Adoptee
- Adoption
- Adoption Agency
- Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA)
- Adoption Assistance
- Adoption Attorney
- Adoption Benefits
- Adoption Consultant
- Adoption Disruption
- Adoption Dissolution
- Adoption Exchange
- Adoption Facilitator
- Adoption Insurance (Adoption Cancellation Insurance)
- Adoption Petition
- Adoption Placement
- Adoption Plan
- Adoption Reversal
- Adoption Subsidies
- Adoption Tax Credits
- Adoption Tax Exclusions
- Adoption Triad
- Adult Adoption
- Agency Adoption
- Alcohol-related Birth Defects
- Anti-social Behavior
- Apostille
- Artificial Insemination
- Attachment
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autistic Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Birth Parent
- Black Market Adoption
- Boarder Babies
- Bonding
- Case Closure
- Case Plan
- Case Planning
- Caseworker Competency
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder
- Central Registry
- Cerebral Palsy
- Certification
- Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act (CAPTA)
- Child Protective Services (CPS)
- Closed Adoption
- Co-parenting
- Concurrent Planning
- Conduct Disorder
- Confidential Intermediary
- Confidentiality
- Consent to Adopt or Consent to Adoption
- Cultural Competence
- Custody
- De Facto
- De Facto Adoption
- Decree Of Adoption
- Dependent Child
- Developmental Disability
- Differential Response
- Disclosure
- Dispositional Hearings
- Disruption
- Dissolution
- Dossier
- Down Syndrome
- Dual Track
- Emotional Disturbance
- Employer Assistance
- Equitable Adoption
- Evaluation Of Family Progress
- Extended Family
- Family Assessment
- Family Group Conferencing
- Family Preservation
- Family Unity Model
- Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE)
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Fictive Kin
- Finalization
- Foster Children
- Foster Parents
- Foster-adoption
- Full Disclosure
- Genealogy
- Grief
- Group Home
- Guardian
- Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
- Home Visitation Programs
- Homestudy
- I-600 And I-600A Visa petition
- Identifying Information
- Immunity
- Independent Adoption
- Independent Living
- Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
- Infertility
- Initial Assessment Or Investigation
- Institutionalization
- Intake
- Intercountry Or International Adoption
- Interstate Compact
- Interstate Compact On Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA)
- Interstate Compact On The Placement of Children (ICPC)
- Interview Protocol
- Juvenile And Family Courts
- Kinship Care
- Learning Disabilities (LD)
- Legal Custody
- Legal Guardian
- Legal Risk Placement
- Legally Free
- Liaison
- Life Book
- Long-Term Foster Care
- Loss
- Mainstreamed
- Maltreatment
- Mandated Reporter
- Matching
- Maternity Home
- Mental Retardation
- Multi-Ethnic Placement Act
- Multidisciplinary Team
- Neglect
- Non-Identifying Information
- Non-recurring Adoption Costs
- Occupational Therapy
- Open Adoption
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Orphan
- Orphanage
- Out-of-Home Care
- Parens Patriae
- Parent Or Caretaker
- Passive Registries
- Paternity Testing
- Permanency Planning
- Photolisting Book
- Physical Abuse
- Placement Date
- Post-institutionalized Child
- Post-legal Adoption Services
- Post-placement Supervision
- Post-reunion Issues
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Prenatal Substance Exposure
- Primary Prevention
- Protective Factors
- Protocol
- Psychological Maltreatment
- Psychological Parent
- Putative
- Putative Father
- Putative Father Registries
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Relinquishment
- Residential Care Facility
- Residential Treatment
- Respite Care
- Response Time
- Reunification
- Reunification Services
- Reunion
- Review Hearings
- Risk
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Factors
- Ritalin
- Safety
- Safety Assessment
- Safety Plan
- Search
- Search And Consent Procedures
- Secondary Prevention
- Semi-open Adoption
- Service Agreement
- Service Provision
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse Symptomology
- Social Marketing
- Special Needs Children
- Speech And Language Disorders
- Stepparent Adoption
- Substantiated
- Substitute Care
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Surrender
- Surrender Papers
- Surrogate Mother
- System
- Systems Of Care
- Termination Of Parental Rights (TPR)
- Tertiary Prevention
- Therapeutic (or Treatment) Foster home
- Tourette's Syndrome
- Traditional Adoption
- Treatment
- Treatment Foster Home
- Universal Prevention
- Unsubstantiated (Not Substantiated)
- Voluntary Adoption Registry
- Waiting Children