CACI No. VF-4000. Conservatorship - Verdict Form
Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)
Download PDFVF-4000.Conservatorship - Verdict Form
Select one of the following two options:
12 jurors find that [name of respondent] is presently
gravely disabled due to [a mental disorder/impairment
by chronic alcoholism].
9 or more jurors find that [name of respondent] is not
presently gravely disabled due to [a mental
disorder/impairment by chronic alcoholism].
[If you have concluded that [name of respondent] is gravely disabled due
to [a mental disorder/impairment by chronic alcoholism] then answer the
Do all 12 jurors find that [name of respondent] is disqualified from
voting because [he/she/nonbinary pronoun] cannot communicate, with or
without reasonable accommodations, a desire to participate in the voting
Yes No]
Signed: Presiding Juror
After [this verdict form has/all verdict forms have] been signed, notify
the [clerk/bailiff/court attendant] that you are ready to present your
verdict in the courtroom.
New June 2005; Revised December 2010, May 2017
Directions for Use
The question regarding voter disqualification is bracketed. The judge must decide
whether this question is appropriate in a given case. (See CACI No. 4013,
Disqualification From Voting.)
VF-4001-VF-4099. Reserved for Future Use
© Judicial Council of California.