Through the Justia Lawyer Directory, you can maximize your online presence before potential clients. With millions of visits each month, your profile on the Justia Lawyer Directory enables you to connect with high-value leads: people looking for a lawyer now.
Want to take the benefits of your Justia Lawyer Directory profile one step further? We also offer Justia Premium Placements with numerous benefits to help you better market your practice and achieve your goals.
Free Professional Profiles
The free, professional attorney profiles in the Justia Lawyer Directory directly help you expand your online reach. With millions of visits each month, your profile in the Justia Lawyer Directory enables you to better connect with high-value leads and increase conversions.
Presence in Two Top Directories
Lawyers with a profile in the Justia Lawyer Directory have the benefit of unparalleled two-for-one exposure. When you are listed in the Justia Lawyer Directory, your profile will also appear in the Legal Information Institute (LII) Lawyer Directory, allowing you to expand your practice’s online reach even further.
Justia Platinum Placements
Being first has advantages. You can upgrade your free Justia Lawyer Directory profile with a Justia Platinum Placement. In addition to other benefits, this placement allows you to reach the maximum possible visibility in our directory through a fixed, top placement on our Justia Lawyer Directory listing pages. Learn More »
Justia Gold Placements
More eyes on you could make the difference. With Justia Gold Placements, you can increase your visibility on the Justia Lawyer Directory listing pages by appearing in sponsored positions above and among free profiles, as well as leverage additional benefits designed to help you better reach your marketing goals. Learn More »
Justia is a great company with excellent services and options to aid your firm in advertising and promoting your legal services!Nikie Popovich, Popovich Law Firm, P.A.
I’ve had unimaginable success with my Justia listing.Brooke Lauren Archie, Law Office of Brooke Lauren Archie, PLLC
After instituting Justia into my marketing efforts, I landed a very large institutional client with many currently active cases.Andrew P. Lannon, Lannon Land Litigation Local Law, PLLC
This placement has been working well and I'm impressed at the number of leads it's generated.John Rafferty, Gawthrop Greenwood, PC & Affiliates
I have worked with many digital legal service providers, and Justia adheres to the highest ethical and performance standards in the industry.Rick Cofer, Cofer & Connelly, PLLC.
I got my first client from my premium listing and it paid for the whole year of the cost of the listing!E. Alexander Laird, E. Alexander Laird: Affordable Criminal Defense
Justia delivers high quality services that I would recommend without hesitation. They’re the key to our marketing success.Jason A. Lieber, Lieber & Galperin LLP
The Justia and Legal Information Institute (LII) Lawyer Directories enable you to claim and complete a professional attorney profile for free in order to enhance your visibility on the Internet. By claiming your profile, you can increase your access to prospective clients and strengthen your reputation among your peers and in the
legal community.
Our blog covers new developments and best practices in online legal marketing. We evaluate new tools and provide tips on innovative ways you can promote your practice.
The Justia Lawyer Directory now features Justia Chat, an exclusive benefit to Justia Connect Pro members. Maximize your lead generation potential with...
We truly care about the success of our clients. We provide a free telephone consultation to review your current marketing campaigns and discuss how we can improve your marketing ROI by strengthening your branding and online visibility.
Complete the contact form or call us at (888) 587-8421 to schedule your free consultation.