Foreclosure Law Topics
- Foreclosure Law Center
- Errors and Abuses by Mortgage Servicers & Your Legal Rights
- Foreclosure Trustees & Their Legal Obligations
- Strict Foreclosure Laws
- Expedited Foreclosure Laws & Procedures
- Tax Debt Leading to Foreclosure & Legal Concerns
- Homeowners' Association Liens Leading to Foreclosure & Other Legal Concerns
- Timeshare Foreclosures & the Legal Process
- Investment Property Foreclosures & Your Legal Options
- Manufactured Home Foreclosures & Relevant Legal Concerns
- The Right of Redemption Before and After a Foreclosure Sale Under the Law
- Reinstatement and Payoff to Prevent Foreclosure & Your Legal Rights
- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Foreclosure Prevention Strategies
- Divorce and Foreclosure Prevention — Legal & Practical Considerations
- Natural Disasters and Legal Options for Foreclosure Prevention
- Federal Mortgage Servicing Laws Protecting Homeowners
- Fighting a Foreclosure — Legal Options and Issues
- Homeowners' Legal Rights Before, During, and After Foreclosure
- How Liens and Second Mortgages May Legally Affect Foreclosure
- Foreclosure Scams — Legal Concerns & Consumer Protections
- Judicial vs. Non-Judicial Foreclosure Under the Law
- Fighting a Foreclosure in Court & Legal Strategies
- Delaying a Foreclosure
Defenses to Foreclosure Under the Law
- The Statute of Limitations Defense Under Foreclosure Law
- Using the Legally Defective Affidavit or Declaration Defense to Foreclosure
- The Legally Invalid Assignment Defense to Foreclosure
- Setting Aside a Foreclosure Sale
- Challenging Fees in Foreclosure
- Mortgage Servicing Rules, the FDCPA, and Your Legal Rights
- Working With a Foreclosure Lawyer
Alternatives to Foreclosure — Legal & Financial Considerations
- Mortgage Loan Modifications as a Legal Option to Prevent Foreclosure
- Using a Reverse Mortgage as a Legal Strategy to Prevent Foreclosure
- Mortgage Assumption When Selling a Home & Legal Obligations
- Short Sales and Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure Under the Law
- Forbearance Agreements and Repayment Plans as Legal Options to Prevent Foreclosure
- Foreclosure Mediation and Loss Mitigation Programs in Bankruptcy Law
- Using the Flex Modification Program to Prevent Foreclosure & Your Legal Rights
- Filing for Bankruptcy to Prevent Foreclosure & Potential Legal Advantages
- Foreclosure Laws and Procedures: 50-State Survey
- Foreclosure Law FAQs for Consumers