Delivery Services in the Cannabis Industry & Legal Considerations
Considering the rapid growth of the cannabis industry, some entrepreneurs may be interested in creating a marijuana delivery service. Consumers have grown increasingly accustomed to having food-related products brought to their homes. Moreover, some patients who use marijuana for health conditions may have physical limitations that make delivery attractive. A consumer might be able to place an order over the phone or online. A company may make deliveries in person or through mail orders. Some services also may offer subscriptions, membership clubs, or scheduled deliveries, making the process cheaper or more efficient.
Consumers generally must arrange to have a marijuana product delivered to a residential rather than commercial address. States usually do not allow a third party to accept delivery for a consumer, although California is an exception. (People over the age of 21 can accept marijuana delivery in California.) To comply with state law, delivery services must restrict consumers to buying an amount of cannabis within the legal limit in their state. A consumer in a state that has not legalized recreational marijuana will need to show their medical marijuana card to the person making the delivery. In other states, they will need to present an ID card.
Starting a Cannabis Delivery Service
Before starting a delivery service, an entrepreneur should understand the laws governing the cannabis industry in their state. Even if their state allows the sale of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, it may not permit cannabis delivery services. Local laws may impose restrictions as well. Only a handful of states, including California, currently permit the delivery of recreational marijuana. A broader range of states permit the delivery of medical marijuana, although the rules governing delivery vary by state and are subject to change.
One of the first steps in forming a delivery service involves getting the appropriate business license from the state. This may require the prospective business owner to show that they have received approval from the county or city where they will locate their business. In some cases, they may need separate licenses for recreational marijuana and medical marijuana if they plan to deliver both forms. A business owner also may need a separate delivery permit. Licenses and permits may need to be renewed regularly, which can cost thousands of dollars in addition to the initial fees.
Rules for Delivery Drivers and Vehicles
Delivery service owners must perform background checks on people applying to drive for them. Any driver must be at least 21 years old and carry their driver’s license. They also must carry a copy of the business license for the delivery service and an employer ID badge. Generally, a driver cannot transport marijuana products worth more than $3,000 in a single trip.
A GPS tracking device must operate inside each delivery vehicle at all times. Drivers must record each transaction with a consumer through delivery request receipts that provide information on the consumer and the delivery service. People delivering medical marijuana must document the registry number of the patient or their primary caregiver.